22 October 2019



Why did you choose physics as a teaching subject?
I think that physics is the most interesting subject, because it answers all of bothering questions that we asked ourselves in childhood.

Do you have any pets? If yes, what are they?
Unfortunately, I don't have any pets, but I really like cats and dogs, mostly from shelters, because they show gratitude for offering them a loving home.

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you hadn't become a teacher?
In general, I really like painting pictures, so if I wasn’t a teacher I would be a painter.

Are you more optimistic, pessimistic or realistic?
A combination of optimism and realism.

Do you have your favourite places? If yes, where are they?
My favourite places are Polish mountains and the sea.

How old was your oldest student?
62 years old, at an evening school for adults.

What is your favourite meal?
Homemade vegetable salad.

What do you prefer, books or films?
I prefer books for studying but as an entertainment I prefer films.

Where do you want to go for a trip?
To Australia and New Zealand.

What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are playing chess, swimming, skiing and reading psychological books.

Thank you very much!


Have you heard of the International Dot Day? I bet you have and you have already read the book which had started this annual event, all about celebrating creativity, courage, and collaboration. 
Check yourselves and do THE DOT QUIZZ:
;) The quizz by Kornelia G.


Natalia (8a) and her unusual hobby:

How did you start riding a horse?
Hmm… Once upon a time... I sat on a horse back and that's how my hobby has begun.

What do you like in your hobby the most?
Speed and risk. Riding a horse can give you a lot of emotions. That bond between a rider and a horse - it’s amazing!

What is the name of your riding club and do you enjoy it?
I ride in an Eliksir Club in Szczyrk and in Wapienica, but i want to change the club to Romico.

How much time a week do you spend on training?

During holidays I ride 3 times a week but in a school year I ride only on Saturdays.

What is your favourite horse's name? Why exacly him/her?
It isn’t an easy question. But my beloved horse is La Bomba. Why? Because I love this big lazy horse. :)

How many people you know ride a horse too?
Unfortunately, not many people. For most people it isn’t a sport.

Thank you, Natalia. That's fantastic! We wish you lots of success and good luck!!!!

The school has already started!

Hello, hello! Wake up everybody! The school already started! You had one month to wake up! That's the end of sleeping untill 12 p. m. (moans of discontent in the background). I know I know... I would like holidays to last longer too, but we can't do anything. Or maybe...? Ok my dear! I have a very important mission for you! We must make this year the best year ever! So far the girls from 8a and our talented singers have helped us with that.
 On the 2nd of September we all gathered at the gym to officially welcome our friends and teachers. Angelika, Roksana, Wiktoria, Julia and Natalia bravely went to the middle of the gym to recite poems prepared by Mrs Krystyna Niemiec. We also sung some songs to make the performance much more interesing. The brilliant singers were led by Mr Piotr Morawski. After the headmistress speech each of us met with our educators to know new lesson plan and maybe some new friends :)


     8th of June was the best day of all the schoolyear for both students and teachers ;). It was its end! We were all excited about it. We were looking forward to it for over the last 10 months of hard work.

...the certificates and..... off we went to enjoy the summer time!

The SCHOOL EXPRESS NO 1! Meet our team.

     Hej! To znowu my! Autorzy gazetki The school express! Witamy w nowym roku szkolnym 2019/2020. W tym roku będziemy kontynuować wydawnictwo kolejnych numerów naszej skromnej gazetki. Skład naszej ekipy w tym roku: Ola, Zuzia i Monika z klasy 6c, Kornelia z klasy 7b i Szymon, Filip, Natalia i Estera z klasy 8a. Może nas rozpoznacie na zdjęciu poniżej. 

    W naszej gazetce, jak co roku będą konkursy (do wygrania oczywiście nagrody), jak szybko i smacznie coś ugotować - czyli Express Cooking, wywiady z nauczycielami i uwaga również z uczniami, którzy mają zainteresowania warte naszej uwagi. A może Wy macie jakieś nietypowe, ciekawe hobby i chcielibyście się nimi podzielić? Zapraszamy, chętnie przeprowadzimy z Wami wywiad!
/Estera T./