12 November 2018


                 On Tuesday (7th and 8th grader) and on Wednesday (4th, 5th, 6th graders) went for a mountain trip to the top of the Błatnia Mountain. 

The trip was a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the restoration of Poland's Independence.

We set off early in the morning and we reached the bottom of the mountain by bus. After a looong ;) hour of climbing up we conquered the 917 m high mountain and reached the hostel at the top.

There were delicious grilled sausages and cups of hot tea waiting for us.

While sitting and eating we admired beautiful landscapes of the Beskid Mountains. We spent a lot of free time on talking, playing games and singing patriotic songs.

It was a great time to chill out and chat freely with our teachers.

The weather was a bit cloudy but it wasn't wet.

After the trip we went homes. We were happy but tired.


6 November 2018


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TEACHER'S DAY - flashback

On 15th October the Teacher’s Day Academy took place in our school. 

Mrs Szymkowiak together with her class 6b presented funny role plays - the scenes from everyday school life. 

They were hilarious moments taken out from biology, Polish, maths and chemistry lessons. We wonder how the students felt walking in their teachers' shoes... :) 

The Vocal Band of Maestro Morawski gave a great music show. Later, children thanked all the teachers for their everyday work and support.

After the show Mr Mrzyk handed a bunch of beautiful flowers to the three women in charge.

It was a happy day!